It is the responsibility of each player, coach, team members/families and spectators to be familiar with the tournament rules & regulations, procedures, policies and rink protocols addressed herein. Violation of any of the aforementioned, may result in disciplinary action, up to including removal from the facility.
NOTE: All visiting Teams/Team Members (Player/Parent/Families, Team Staff/Families, Spectators) who will be visiting our Children's Health StarCenter or Comerica Center facilities to attend a Tournament Event must complete and electronically sign the required Children's Health StarCenter & Comerica Center facility Waiver. The link to the required facility Waiver will be distributed directly to all participating visiting Team Representatives with instructions to cascade to their Teams/Team Members prior to the start of the event. Teams/Team members completed and submit the required facility waiver(s) by the requested deadline.
VERY IMPORTANT: If you are experiencing any signs of illness or have a fever, please do not come to the rink.
- StarCenter ice facilities will open approx. 30-minutes prior to the first game of each day.
- All people over the age of 2 entering the building(s)s must wear a mask. Players and referees may remove them on the ice/bench during games. Coaches and penalty box monitors must wear masks on the bench during games.
- Parents & Spectators may attend tournament games; however, it is recommended that attendance be limited to no more than four (4) parent/spectator(s) per player. **No more than two(2) parent(s)/spectator(s) per player at Children’s Health StarCenter Richardson.**
- Parents & Spectators must observe proper social distancing and be wearing masks at all times while in the building(s).
- Parents & Spectators are encouraged to get in and out of the rink quickly and refrain from arriving early or staying late to watch other games.
- Players are encouraged to "dress & drive" or dress in the parking lot. **All players should be dressed with the exception of helmet, gloves and skates prior to entering the building(s).**
- Each player must supply his/her own water/water bottle.
- Players & coaches may not bring equipment and/or bags into the facility until locker rooms are accessible, as listed below. Players are required to wear masks at all times prior to entering the ice surface and immediately following each game until exiting the building(s). Coaches are required to wear masks for the entire time they are in the building(s) including the bench & dressing room. Masks must be worn in the locker rooms by players, coaches and locker room monitors.
- Teams & Spectators should observe marked entrance and exit doors and enter & exit the rink through separate doors whenever possible.
- All teams must use assigned locker rooms or dressing areas posted at the front desk; on the rink TV monitors or at other locations throughout the rink. A combination of locker rooms & dressing areas may be used. In addition to the regular locker rooms, temporary locker rooms may be set up, when needed/possible, so each team has a separate locker room.
- Dressing/Locker Rooms should be limited to changing only and not used for coaching.
- Dressing/Locker Rooms are available/accessible for 15 minutes prior to the start of each game.
- Dressing/Locker Rooms are available/accessible for 15 minutes after the completion of each game. **Dressing/Locker Rooms MUST be vacated and cleaned within FIFTEEN (15) minutes of the conclusion of each team’s scheduled game/ice time.**
- Showers are NOT available.
- Each team needs to ensure that locker rooms or dressing areas are clean (no remaining trash/tape/food/drink) prior to vacating it. Teams/Team Representatives are responsible for all damage done to the locker rooms, dressing areas, or the facilities. **The Dallas Stars, Dallas Stars Tournaments or StarCenter or Comerica Ice Facilities will not be held responsible for any items lost or stolen during the tournament.**
- It is the policy of USA Hockey that all teams have at least one responsible adult (head/assistant coach or other approved team personnel) directly monitoring the locker room during all tournament events to ensure that only participants (coaches and players), and other approved team personnel are permitted in the locker room to supervise the conduct in and around the locker rooms at all times while participants are present and also make sure the locker room is appropriately secured during times when minor participants are on the ice. Locker Room monitor(s) must be present and wearing a mask at all times while in the building and/or dressing room until exiting the building. All responsible adults serving as locker room monitors should be gender correct and the co-ed locker room policy must be followed. Monitors must be screened per USA Hockey screening standards and USA Hockey SafeSport certified. Unapproved, non-team personnel, including parents and family members are discouraged from entering locker rooms unless it is truly necessary.
- Each team is responsible to provide its own penalty box monitor or attendant, although not required. Penalty box attendants must wear a mask at all times. Penalty box attendants should refrain from any physical contact with any player and should social distance from players and coaches whenever possible. Penalty box attendants are strictly there to assist the player and scorekeeper with opening and closing the door. They are not permitted to impact to the game, and are strictly prohibited from becoming verbally active with any game official. Penalty box monitors may not use phones, cameras or any other photographic equipment or electronic devices while in the penalty box area. Any such activity will result in immediate removal from the penalty box area, and possibly the rink for the duration of the tournament. All parents, visitors and spectators are to remain away from the player’s bench and penalty box areas.